Individual physiotherapy
Individual exercises supervised by a spe cialistand focusing on problems with the locomotivesystem. These exercises are good for preventivereasons, as they strengthen the muscles, relievepain, and help to acquire healthy movementpatterns.The exercises are chosen by a specialistand focus on the parts of the body that areaffected.
REFLEX AND LIGAMENT MASSAGE is a series ofspecial massage techniques used in a specificorder with a reflex action on the tissues andinternal organs, which is particularly good forrelieving painful parts in the muscles.
MOBILISATION OF THE SPINE AND PERIPHERALJOINTS involves restricted rhythmic move mentswhich help to get the spine and peripheraljoints working again.
SOFT TISSUE TECHNIQUES are a set of specialmassage techniques used to restore tissuetension and elasticity, which improves jointmobility and relieves pain.
FLASK MASSAGE This is an ancient Chinesetechnique, in which a special flask is placedon the surface of the body, creating suction. After the flask has been applied the skin andsurface layer of the muscles are sucked intothe mouth of the flask, which is the principleof this massage. The flask massage is uniquein that it results in intensive perfusion of themassaged tissue. Just one procedure can bringunexpected relief.